Thursday, October 29, 2015

How far do you want to go and who do you want to give a feeling of satisfaction?

There are only 2 people you will meet on your way to your destined land. 1. Those who want you to fail and 2. Those that want to see you succeed in life. Who you will choose to give a sense of satisfaction is up to you. The job of those who want to see you fail is to frustrate you and make you see reasons to give up you dreams. If you give up you have given them a sense of satisfaction and if you stay strong you have given those that want to see you make is sense of satisfaction. WHO DO YOU WANT TO MAKE HAPPY? THE CHOICE IF UP TO YOU ALONE!!!


Life has been given to us over a million years ago, what have you done with it?

Monday, October 19, 2015

If you are not working you are dying without knowing

In life you need to always be busy with useful activities if not you  are dying without doing. In Nigeria a lot of people are dead without knowing. You need to get up and stand up strong for you to be able to fulfill destiny. You will get the 7 steps of how you can live a fulfilled life on this blog. stay close and remain blessed.

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Yakurr (also Yakö and Yakạạ)

The Yakurr (also Yakö and Yakạạ) comprises five urban settlements in Cross River State, Nigeria. They were formally known as Umor, Ekoli, Ilomi, Nkoibolokom and Yakurr be Ibe. Due to linguistic problems encountered by the early European visitors, the settlements have come to be known by their mispronounced versions – Ugep, Ekori, Idomi, Nko and Mkpani (Okoi-Uyouyo, 2002). In the latter, it is a product of yakpanikpani (a Lokạạ word for "tricks"), a name, which Enang (1980) says was given to them by the Ugep people after being tricked in a conflict.

Yakurr lies between latitudes 50 401 and 60 101 north of the equator and longitudes 80 21 and 60 101 east of the Greenwich Meridian and 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Calabar, the capital of Cross River State. They are found in the present-day Yakurr Local Government Area and constitute the largest ethnic group in the state. They share their northern and eastern boundaries with the Assiga, Nyima and Agoi Clans of the Yakurr Local Government Area, the southern boundary with the Biase Local Government Area and their western boundary with the Abi Local Government Area.
By 1935, Yakurr had a population of 22,000 and 38,000 by 1953 (1939, 1950, and 1964; Hansford et al. 1976; and Crabb 1969). The population numbers of Yakurr based on the 1991 national census were rejected by the local and state government due to discrepancies. The results of the 2006 census by the Nigerian government about the current population are still pending.


The language spoken by the Yakurr is Lokạạ, an Upper Cross River language. It is described by Iwara (1988) as one of the major languages of Cross River State, comparable, in terms of number of speakers, with Efik, which enjoys the special status of a lingua franca in the state. According to Ethnologue, it was spoken by 120.000 people in 1989.
The Yakurr exhibits a very high degree of social heterogeneity, but linguistic, political, religious and cultural homogeneity. In the absence of written records, linguistic, political, religious and cultural homogeneous patterns are the most dependable evidences of establishing descent and biological connections.
All Yakurr people share a common tradition of overland migration and ancestry. The ancestral homeland of the Yakurr people is "Akpa", said to be a shortened form of "Lẹkanakpakpa". This area is believed to correspond with the Cameroon–Obudu range as it stands today. The Yakurr cites the Okuni, Nsofan and Ojo people as their neighbours at Lẹkanakpakpa. The traditions of Okuni, Nsofan and Ojo corroborate the Yakurr claim of having lived together at Lẹkanakpakpa, which is referred to as “Onugi” by the Okuni and Nsofan people and Lẹkpamkpa by the Ojo people.
The migration of Yakurr from their ancestral homeland started at about AD 1617, when a misunderstanding between the Yakurr and their neighbours, arising from the violation of a burial custom forced their neighbours to wage a war against them, leading to them being driven from their homeland.
The migratory history of the Yakurr people, as given by Ubi (1986 and 1978) is that, between 1617 and 1677, the Yakurr migrated from that ancestral homeland to look for a new homeland following a military defeat from Akpa. About A.D. 1660, some Yakurr migrants founded new homelands in their present locations. These locations are Idomi and Ugep. Between 1677 and 1707, some other Yakurr migrants founded the towns of Ekori and Nko. Between 1707 and 1737 yet another wave of Yakurr migrants founded Mkpani settlement.
The reasons for the relocation of populations in new settlements by the Yakurr is mainly due to competing demands for land resources, as a result of growing populations in one hand and unresolved conflicts in the other. This development is aided by the patrilocality of marriages and strong patriarchy in the family system. It was thus easy for patriclans to relocate to new settlements. This has produced a slight parallelism in names of patriclans and strong parallelism in names of matriclans in all the Yakurr settlements.

References according to Wikipedia

  1. Jump up ^ Ethnologue report on Lokaa.
  • Crabb, D. W. (1969) Ekoi Bantu Languages of Ogoja, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Enang, S. B. (1980) Mkpani Pre-Colonial History, University of Calabar B. A. History Project.
  • Forde, D. (1950) "Double Descent Among the Yakö” in Radcliff-Brown, A. R. and Forde, D. (eds.) African Systems of Kinship and Marriage, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Forde, D. (1939) "Kinship in Umor” American Anthropologist, Vol. 41, pp. 530–540.
  • Forde, D. (1964) Yakö Studies, Oxford University Press, London.
  • Hansford, K.; Bendor-Samuel, J. and Stanford, R. (eds.) (1976) Studies in Nigerian Languages, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Accra.
  • Iwara, A. U. (1988) Reading and Writing Lokạạ, Institute of African Studies University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
  • Okoi-Uyouyo, M. (2002) Yakurr Systems of Kinship, Family and Marriage, Bookman, Calabar
  • Ubi, O. A. (1986) “Analysis of Two Bronzes from a Nigerian Asunaju Shrine: A Rejoinder” Africana Marburgensia xix, pp. 7–8.
  • Ubi, O. A. (1978) The Yakurr: A Reconstruction of PreColonial History, University of Lagos PhD History Thesis.

Ede, Nigeria

 According to Wikipedia!

Ede is a town in Osun State, southwestern Nigeria. It lies along the Osun River at a point on the railroad from Lagos, 112 miles (180 km) southwest, and at the intersection of roads from Oshogbo, Ogbomosho, and Ife. Ede is one of the older towns of the Yoruba people. It is traditionally said to have been founded about 1500 by Timi Agbale, a hunter and warlord sent by Alaafin (King) Kori of Old Oyo (Katunga), capital of the Oyo empire, to establish a settlement to protect the Oyo caravan route to Benin (127 miles [204 km] to the southeast), a purpose similar to that of other Nigerian towns. Nearby towns include Awo, Iragberi and Oshogbo.

Its traditional ruler is known as the Timi Agbale, popularly referred to as Timi Agbale Olofa-Ina. According to myth, he is the man whose arrows bring out fire.

The present Ede was established by Timi Kubolaje Agbonran around 1817 along with his siblings: Oyefi, Ajenju, Arohanran and Oduniyi, all being the descendants of Lalemo. The former Ede is known as Ede-Ile.
Ede is predominantly Muslim town with about 90% of the population. This can be traced back to 19th century during the reign of Timi Abibu Lagunju as the King of Ede, who is most likely the first Muslim Oba in Yorubaland given the fact that he was already on the throne for a few years when in November 1857, the Baptist Missionary, W.H. Clarke visited Ede. Clarke record thus: This young follower of the Prophet (Prophet Muhammad), a short time since became the ruler of this town in the place of his father (Oduniyi), the deceased, and brings with him into office, the influence of his new religion (Islam).

Historically, Ede was an important town in Yorubaland. Egungun festival is still widely celebrated, like many other traditional festivals, but Ileya (Eid-il-kabir) and Christmas are the main festivals. Throughout Nigeria, Ed-il Kabir is celebrated most in Ede. Many people celebrate Christmas and New Year's Day as well.
The most prominent Timi in recent history is Oba John Adetoyese Laoye. The late monarch is reputed for making the "talking drum" popular. This has made Ede a reference point in the art of drumming, specifically the talking drum. With his group of skilled drummers and poets, the late monarch entertained the Queen of England when she first visited Nigeria and thereafter in her palace in England. He died in 1975.

Ede is well known as a hospitable land. Locally made food includes "Eko and Ila". Also sons and daughters of Ede can be found all over the world and works of lives. There are several compounds in Ede towns including Ile Agate, Agboja, Imole, Ile Idigba, Ile Obadina, Ile Alusekere, Ile Yemope, Ile Mogaji, Ile Oluyinka, Ile babanla Pegba, etc.

The name of the present King is Oba Munirudeen Adesola Lawal (Laminisa 1).

Notable People

The town is currently represented by Tajudeen Adetunji Ajagbe at the house of representative, and Akanbi Adebowale Kamardeen at the state house of assembly.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jonathan To Obasanjo: Show Proof Of Snipers Or Shut Up

The presidency yesterday took another swipe at former president, Olusegun Obasanjo who last week, accused President Goodluck Jonathan of placing perceived political opponents under the watchful eyes of snipers, It told Obasanjo to show proof in that respect or shut up forever.          
In the same vein, the seat of power warned the All Progressive Congress (APC) to be careful in making inciting statements and unfounded allegations against President Goodluck Jonathan or its members would be made to face charges of treason.
It implicitly told former President Olusegun Obsanjo who had last week alleged the existence of snipers against the president to boldly come forward and provide proof or remain silent forever as a coward he is.
Obasanjo had written an 18 paragraph letter alleging series of corrupt practices against President Jonathan.
But Special Adviser to the president on media and publicity, Dr. Reuben Abati noted in a statement yesterday said,
“President Jonathan is running a people’s government. He does not need any snipers. His legitimacy comes from the people. Those who are alleging the existence of snipers should step forward and provide the evidence or shut up forever and go down in history as spineless cowards, driven by sheer greed and indecency.
“We dismiss the APC’s call for the President’s impeachment as opportunistic, partisan and ill-motivated.
We call on patriots to make the necessary distinction between such reckless violations of civic duty and the urgent need to protect the integrity of the Nigerian nation against those who for selfish reasons have declared their readiness to stop at nothing”.
Abati described as reckless and irresponsible the call by the APC for the National Assembly to commence impeachment proceedings against the president.
He reminded the APC that as an opposition party which remains a minority “with doubtful credentials in the National Assembly, knows fully well that its attempt to hector and blackmail a Parliament dominated by loyal members of the President’s party, the PDP, into an impeachment process, will come to nothing”.
Threatening to prefer charges bordering on treason against members of the APC, Abati stated: “In this regard, we have noted the undisguised threat by the APC to foster public insurrection against the Federal Government if pending legal cases go against it. We urge Nigerians to take special note of this boastful indication of an intention to resort to lawlessness. The Presidency warns that the APC and any persons who make themselves its willing tools for the breach of public order and safety will be made to face the full sanctions of the law.
“Those who are threatening fire and brimstone should be ready for consequences of treasonable action.  The APC’s false copy-cat allegation that 1, 000 snipers are being trained by the Jonathan Administration clearly shows that they are now in cahoots with some other elements who are bent on discrediting this administration and inciting the public against it”.
The presidential spokesman said ordinarily, the presidency wouldn’t have dignified the party’s spokesman, Alhaji Lai Mohammed’s “latest vituperations in the service of his paymasters with a response”.
He added, however, the presidency “thought it necessary to warn that the federal government will not standby idly and let the nation be plunged into unnecessary crises and political instability because of the desperation and apparent readiness of the APC spokesman and his gang of power-seeking desperadoes to sacrifice the well-being of the country on the altar of their selfish personal ambitions.
“The Presidency totally condemns the decision by Alhaji Mohammed and his party to move further beyond the bounds of honourable and acceptable political conduct with the senseless call for the impeachment of a President who continues to sincerely devote himself to the discharge of the sacred mandate freely given to him by Nigerians”, Abati noted.
Abati who wondered why the APC “has cavalierly embarked on this outrageous gambit, with scant regard for peace, order, security and political stability in the country” said it was “in furtherance of its dastardly and heinous strategy of over-heating the polity and working to cause public disaffection against the Jonathan Presidency with lies, false accusations and unjustifiable indictments ahead of the 2015 general elections.
“The emptiness and hollowness of the APC’s call for President Jonathan’s impeachment will be obvious to all objective and discerning Nigerians who read through the statement issued by Alhaji Mohammed today. It was long on self-serving rhetoric and falsehoods, but lacked a single clearly defined charge on the basis of which any plausible impeachment proceedings against the President can be initiated”, he added.
The statement made available to LEADERSHIP yesterday night further reads: “All that the APC could offer in justification of its absurd and hare-brained impeachment call was a rehash of its well-worn litany of baseless accusations against the President, including some for which culpability should be laid squarely at the doorsteps of its own leaders and some of their new friends.
“The Presidency also considers it utterly deplorable that the APC has, in its Machiavellian desperation to seize control of the Federal Government, recklessly assailed the integrity and honour of the Nigerian Judiciary in a callous attempt to pre-empt the outcome of the case legitimately brought against it and some of its new friends by the PDP.
“Alhaji Mohammed’s unscrupulous effort to drag the nation’s judiciary into its murky political warfare and his readiness to intimidate and blackmail members of the bench so as to secure a favourable outcome for his party in the pending case clearly shows that nothing is beyond the pale for him and the APC in pursuit of their quest for power.
“The Jonathan Administration does not need Lai Mohammed or the APC to remind it of its constitutional responsibility for the security and well-being of Nigerians. The President will continue to do his utmost best to achieve positive national transformation in all areas in spite of efforts by the opposition to thwart or disparage the work of his administration.

Impeach Jonathan before Nigeria crashes -APC
But as Abati issued his statement, APC asked the National Assembly to rise beyond partisanship and save Nigeria from imminent collapse by immediately kick-starting the process of impeaching President Goodluck Jonathan for gross misconduct.
In a statement issued in Lagos on yesterday by its Interim National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the party said it is issuing the call with a high sense of responsibility and the strong belief that the impeachment of the president is a legitimate constitutional option available to the National Assembly not only to protect the nation’s democracy but also to ensure the country’s unity.
But President Jonathan’s party, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described the call as irresponsible
Regardless, the APC said: ‘’Our country is drifting dangerously and our people are divided now perhaps more than at any other point in our history, with the exception of the civil war period. There is a total failure of leadership, even as insecurity, unprecedented corruption, palpable impunity, massive unemployment and hunger stalk the land.
‘’Since the raison d’etre of any government is the security and welfare of the citizenry, and the present administration has failed to live up to the justification of its existence, there can be no other definition of gross misconduct than that.
‘’Therefore, the time has come for the head of that government, on whose desk the buck stops, to be removed through the provisions stipulated in the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is the patriotic thing to do,’’ it said.
APC warned that if the National Assembly fails to act and do so very fast, it will share with the clueless and feckless Jonathan
administration the eternal blame for bringing to naught the hard work of the nation’s heroes past and for crashing and dashing the hopes of millions of Nigerians, especially the youth who are the leaders of tomorrow.
The party said it is necessary for anyone who may say the call for the impeachment of President Jonathan is outlandish to remember that all it takes to torpedo this democracy is for this increasingly-paranoid government to get a pliant Judge to put a judicial stamp on just one of its litany of illegalities, thus setting the country ablaze, adding: ‘’And there are many such Judges as we can see by some recent events, despite our warnings that the efforts of the current CJN to clean up the judiciary must not be sabotaged by a few pliant Judges.’’
‘’One such scenario is the present challenge in court by the PDP of the defection to the APC of five state governors. The PDP has gone to court fully aware of the ruling of the Supreme Court after the party (PDP) attempted to make then Vice President Atiku Abubakar to lose his seat and to also strip him of his privileges following his defection to the ACN.
‘’What then can be the sole motive behind the PDP’s action: To plunge Nigerian into chaos! This is why we issued a strong warning in our statement of Dec. 5th thus: ‘We wish to state unequivocally that should the PDP go ahead with this plan, there will be widespread repercussions as the APC has resolved that henceforth, every act of impunity of the PDP and the Presidency will be met with stiff resistance in the form of a vociferous telegraphing of people power, the likes of which have not been witnessed in these parts’.
‘’We reiterate those words today, and make bold to say that not even the revelation by former President Olusegun Obasanjo, that snipers are being trained secretly and that 1,000 people have been placed on political watch, will deter us from saving this democracy, which was watered by the sweat and blood of many patriots, long before this generation of opportunists stormed the political scene,’’ it said.

Call for Jonathan’s impeachment irresponsible - PDP
In its response, the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday described the call for President Goodluck Jonathan’s impeachmen as irresponsible. According to the national publicity secretary, Chief Oliseh Metuh, who spoke with Leadership on phone, the opposition APC was scared of losing in 2015, hence their resort to causing confusion in the land.
Speaking further in a statement which Metuh later released, the PDP described the call by APC for impeachment of Jonathan “as irresponsible, immature, self seeking and part of their larger agenda to truncate democracy in Nigeria.
“Upon their realization that they will not win in the 2015 general elections following the failure of their plans to break the ranks and strength of the PDP,  they now seek to use all means to cause confusion in the land.
“The APC knows the implication of the call which is to cause massive turmoil and destroy the unity of our dear nation.
Nevertheless, the PDP is ready, willing and able to stop them in their track.”

Nigeria Will Look Inward To Develop Its Armed Forces – Maku

Nigeria will no longer depend on the developed world in building and developing the capacity and resources of the military since the country now has what it takes to do it.
The supervising minister of defence, Mr Labaran Maku made this known in Kaduna on Tuesday at the Chief of Air Staff Award Night for 2013, attended by the Chief of Defence Staff, Admiral Ola S Ibrahim, other serving and retired Air Force officers and their spouses.
“I believe that the country has the resources to support development and research in the armed forces, so that between now and the next 15 years, we can depend more on our local creativity than our foreign supplies.
No nation can sustain its security system by depending on other countries; you need your own ingenuity to run the system.’’ Maku said.
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